Testing Information
The primary goals for the assessment system are to promote instructional improvement in classrooms throughout the district and to provide valid, reliable data for accountability purposes in compliance with Mississippi State law and State Board of Education policies.
The strength of the assessment system is the emphasis on criterion-referenced tests, which measure a defined curriculum. Teachers have taught the material, and students know what to expect on the test.
Clarkdale High School administers other tests that are specific to programs and needs at each individual school, such as, the American College Testing (ACT), the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT), etc...
All Assessments required by the Mississippi Department of Education will be administered accordingly.
Each Clarkdale High School student is required to take end-of-course tests in:
- Algebra I
- Biology I
- English II
- U.S. History from 1877
Specific Information about the Subject Area Tests:
Algebra I Subject Area Test
The Algebra I Subject Area Test (MAPP) measures a student’s knowledge of and skill level in applied algebra as it relates to the Mississippi College and Career Readiness Standards. The test consists of both multiple-choice and performance-based items. The test is administered online through a secure browser.
Biology I Subject Area Test
The Biology I Subject Area Test measures a student’s knowledge of basic biological concepts, the use of science skills, and the application of biology to real-world problem solving and decision making. The test consists of multiple-choice items, which may include charts, diagrams, or graphs. The test is administered online through a secure browser.
English II Subject Area Test
The English II Subject Area Test
The English II Subject Area Test (MAPP) measures knowledge of language arts, reading comprehension, and effective writing skills as related to the Mississippi College and Career Readiness Standards. The test is administered in two parts; the first being multiple-choice online, the second being a written component using paper and pencil.
U.S. History from 1877 Subject Area Test
The U.S. History from 1877 Subject Area Test measures not only important historical knowledge but also real-world skills by having students read and interpret statistical data, maps, charts, and tables. The test consists of multiple-choice questions and is administered online.